
remember when...

Hillary Clinton was the Democratic Presidential nominee front-runner? A year ago all anyone could talk about was how Clinton was solidly out front and Obama was making the gaffes of a political neophyte. Now, however, it seems we are 180 degrees from where we were a 365 days ago (i.e. a political eternity). Obama was still on message though, even back then:
"What we've seen over the last six years is the effort to replace bluster and belligerence and saber-rattling for solid diplomacy and strategy and foresight." — Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois
Nobody was shouting 'appeasement' from the rooftops then as they are now, though... probably because then he trailed Clinton by 17 percentage points nationally among Democrats where today Obama holds the clear delegate lead and will likely achieve the (newest) threshold for nomination: 2118 delegates.

How times have changed... in some ways... but not in others.

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