
Clinton winding down...

Though Clinton didn't officially concede the nomination last night, she's been making all the motions that she's going to. And now it comes out that Clinton may well officially concede on Friday in NY. She and Obama are likely to meet between now and then as well (probably to discuss the terms of her concession, what she wants in return, etc.). All of this comes as the reality is setting in for everyone that Obama is the nominee of the Democratic party for 2008.

The NYT has an interesting postmortem on the Clinton campaign today - a kind of "where do we go from here" perspective on the choices that the campaign and it's supporters are facing.

Meanwhile, the Obama camp has formed their official VP search committee (the group tasked with doing the research on potential running mates for the candidate). Included on the committee are:
  • Caroline Kennedy - Obama supporter, daughter to JFK, new to this whole politics game
  • Eric Holder - Deputy AG under Bill Clinton and one of Obama's lead lawyers
  • Jim Johnson - former Fannie Mae CEO and on the VP committee of former candidates John Kerry and Walter Mondale
A good group who will (likely) have Hillary on one - if not several - lists. However, it will ultimately be the candidate (Obama) who makes the final decision.

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