
$4 for a gallon of gas...

$5/gallon can't be too far off.

And there's an analysis of who's getting hit the hardest by the squeeze at the pump: rural America. This doesn't really come as a surprise (rural = everything is spread out, urban = everything is close together, public transportation, etc.) but still, I wonder if this will have an effect on the "What's the Matter with Kansas" phenomenon.

From the NYT today, a map showing county-by-county the percent of household income spent on gasoline:

Because of this, McCain's back to pushing the much maligned (by just about every credible economist) 'gas tax holiday' idea.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Will people buy into the smoke & mirrors of the gas tax holiday? Or will they see the charade for what it is and flip the "What's the matter with Kansas" idea on it's head? Something tells me that this will (a) be the central issue in the campaign this summer and (b) be an indicator as to whether Obama's new, 'honest' politics will work to convince the good people in Kansas (and other areas) what's actually wrong - Republican leadership and corporate special interests.

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