
Kennedy has brain tumor

Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Ma) was rushed to Massachusettes General Hospital over the weekend after what were reported to be seizures and stroke-like symptoms. All seemed well at the time as he was apparently recovering in the hospital and well enough to carry on conversations with family, Barack Obama, etc. Now comes news (via the AP) that the senator has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. This is terrible news because the prognosis is generally not good - 1 to 5 years. It remains to be seen how aggressive Kennedy's cancer is, but sad news indeed.

Kennedy has been a senator for 46 years (since 1962 - the year before his brother was assassinated) and is presently holds the second-longest tenure of any current sitting U.S. Senator. He has been called a lion of the senate, a senior statesman who has striven to work in a bipartisan way to achieve many liberal goals including health care and the minimum wage.

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