
Last night I watched:

So I'm rolling out a new recurring section on the blog today... and it goes a little something like this... *wha-blam!*

Last night I watched: Reality Bites

So first let me say that I forgot just how much I love this movie. I mean, it played a big role in my adolescent development. My views on life, love, relationships, friendships, sexuality, and careers were all shaped by this film. It has been a few years since I've watched it and I have to say that I definitely came at it with a new perspective this time. I "got" a lot more of it - different aspects of the story, relationships, what have you that I hadn't fully appreciated until this watching.

I also realized that this movie still plays a part of my life (despite infrequent viewing) by the amount that I quote (or think of quoting) various lines from it, e.g.

"PFLAG, I'm beginning to like the sound of that"

Plus, do you remember when The Gap was all denim and kahki like this:

PLUS... a) they smoked a lot in this movie, b) there's a drinking game... and c) all I have to say is: Janeane Garofalo...

Okay, so it was a great movie and all, but I had this revelation while watching it last night: Reality Bites was the previous iteration of, and perhaps inspiration for, Garden State. Check out all of the similarities:

1) Both had casts packed with the young up-and-comers
RB: Winona Ryder, Janeane, Ethan Hawke, Ben Stiller (also bit parts for David Spade, Andy Dick, and - little known fact - Renée Zellweger)
GS: Zach Braff, Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard... Method Man

2) Both are coming of age stories where the main character (Ryder, Braff) discovers, with the help of someone who sees the world in an outside-the-box kind of perspective (Hawke, Portman) what is truly important to them.

3) Both feature groundbreaking (and memorable) soundtracks.
RB: Do you remember how you couldn't get away from that Lisa Loeb song after that movie came out? Also... My Sharona, All I Want is You (U2), Tempted (Squeeze), Lenny Kravitz... it was a who's who of indie music (or as indie as the early 90's got)!
GS: We have Zach Braff (and, I guess Natalie Portman) to thank for the popularity of the Shins today. Beyond that, the GS soundtrack was (arguably) a launching pad for Zero 7, Thievery Corporation, Iron & Wine, Alexi Murdoch (who wasn't even on the soundtrack), and Frou Frou.

4) The final point of comparison is this: Reality Bites was released in 1994, Garden State... 2004... oooooooohh.... creepy.

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