
check out my new album!

So... actually I don't have a new album... I'm not a member of The Lost Patrol... yet... (if that is even a band).

Anyway, it's kind of a fun little game like putting the name of your first pet and the street you grew up on together to get your 'porn name' (Jake Woodside... no big deal). Anyway, here's how it works:

1) Use the wikipedia random article page, the title of the page (whatever it is) is your band name

2) Use the random quote generator and scroll to the last quote of the page. The last four words of that quote is your album title.

3) Use Flickr's cool photos from the last 7 days thingy. The third picture on the page is going to be the cover of your latest album!

4) Mash 'em all together and post on your blog, send to your friends, or record an album and release a CD (whatever... it's up to you!)

I made the picture above in about 45 seconds... fast, easy, and it's fun! What's not to like? (just like me!)

(I got the idea from The Yellow Stereo)

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