
war crimes

This is probably a little too much like reading tea leaves to be believed, but this report indicates that some individuals in the current Bush administration are getting worried about being prosecuted for war crimes, especially in relation to torture violations.
So hot is the speculation that war-crimes trials will eventually follow in foreign or international courts that Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, has publicly advised Mr. Feith, Mr. Addington and Alberto Gonzales, among others, to "never travel outside the U.S., except perhaps to Saudi Arabia and Israel."
It would be nice if Bush & Co. were held accountable for their various crimes over the past 7+ years in power. However, given:
  • the tepid reaction to the articles of impeachment of both Bush and Cheney that have been raised by Dennis Kucinich
  • the inability of Congress to hold anyone in the administration accountable (Karl Rove has yet to testify under oath as he's been subpoenaed to do several times, and continues to dodge contempt of congress citations)
  • and the fact that the U.S. Senate just voted to grant retroactive immunity to the telecom companies (and, by association, the administration) for their roles in domestic spying
I think holding anyone in the administration responsible for their misdeeds is but a pipe dream...

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