

I've been making the case here for Wes Clark as Obama's running mate. Then this happened earlier this week and the fallout has been tremendous (not to mention blown WAY out of proportion).

Wes Clark defends himself in (from?) his own words:

Whatever I may think about all of this is kind of irrelevant. Wes Clark essentially took himself out of contention for the VP slot on the ticket with these comments (with a little help from the McCain campaign and a real-life Swift Boat Vet for Truth, Bud Day... the hypocrisy runs deep, my friends). The McCain camp is probably relieved to have knocked off Clark and, as I noted earlier, if anything was to be Clark's downfall it would be his lack of experience on a national stage. He just fell through the trap door and landed square on the third rail.

So where does that leave the VP-stakes?... Are we back to Jim Webb? Wherever it is now, the NYT notes that given the Olympics and the packed convention schedule in August, the timing of the revelation of a running mate will be tricky business for the candidates this summer.

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